35-Inch Designer Art Wood Cane

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Style : Horse
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The Walking Stick is consist of two parts: the handle connected with connected the shaft using 6 mm screw connection

FUNCTION: This unique design cane fitting as an additional fashion accessory, underlying individual style for men & women, ladies & gentlemen over city avenues and suburb/village lanes, or walking in the wild district as additional Protection against wild animals as well as a pleasant walking instrument for old elderly people.

Also this stylish walking stick will be an excellent addition for any art collection, an original gift idea for Birthday, Mother's / Father's / Veteran's day or an unusual prop for an costume party, original photo set, theater or movie staging

It is designed to be perfectly balanced for walking conveniently in raised reliability.

You will love a natural and pleasent to touch material of the handle

SIZE: 35 inches
SUPPORTS: 300 lbs
USE: unisex, well for right-handers & Left handers
WEIGHT: 800 gram approx
PROCESSING: Woodworking

Caution! This walking cane is a fully functional & probably it more convenient than a most of usual canes from a medical store but it is not certified as a medical product. So if you have serious musculoskeletal disease or are prone to fall or have suffered surgery after a fracture / insertion of an artificial limb or artificial bone / joint, then we do not recommend to use this cane before consultation and approval by your doctor and replace the standard rubber tip to a medical one.

Recommendations for use

  1. Please take care of cane from falling onto a hard surface such as concrete or asphalt, or ceramic tile. It tends to fall if you left a cane to lean on the wall and can get a crack or delicate details or fracture. So we recommend using a hand strap.
  2. Before use, make sure the screw connection is tightly screwed. Otherwise, you may get unstable support or damage the cane. This connection is designed for convenient shipment or transportation of a walking stick when traveling in luggage is not often only. But this is not intended for every day assembly/disassembly. The meteoric thread can become weak after a frequent cycle of twisting and untwisting.
  3. Please check that you are leaning on the cane correctly. The main force should be directed as close as possible to the shaft but not the rear end of the handle. Incorrect positioning can cause shaft bend and discomfort and even breakage of the shaft.
  4. Use the right tip. Each cane has a standard, NOT medical, summer rubber tip in a set. If you need a winter tip or a medical one (made of softer material provides enhanced cushioning) you should buy it additionally at medical store. Also use soap or candle wax to put a rubber tip on easily.

Sizing recommendations

  1. The optimal length of the cane is a very individual parameter. It depends not only on your height but also on the length of your arms, the posture, the manner of walking and the thickness of the soles of the shoes you wear.
  2. Usually we propose to send the standard 35 inches length walking stick cane. If necessary, you can shorten a wooden shaft on a place easily using any saw. You'll receive the rubber tip in the set which hidde any traces of cutting. It is a good idea to use a paint tape to protect the wood from splitting while cutting off the shaft (wind the shaft above the cut-off point).

Storage and care recommendations

  1. We do not recommend to storing the cane near a heating appliances and in the hot sun. The wooden parts can become more brittle with excessive drying, and this can lead to a crack at high load.
  2. Each walking cane crafted by us features a professional varnish coating, providing protection against common atmospheric elements such as light rain or brief exposure to non-aggressive liquids.But increased moisture for a long time or immersion in water can lead to deformation of the wooden parts. Contact with aggressive chemical liquids and solutions can destroy the varnish coating.

  3. We recommend to use warm water with a soap solution or any certified cleaning agent for wooden goods and furniture to clean your cane. It's safe. After cleaning, wipe with a dry cloth. Also we recommended once a year to polish the surface of the cane in order to restore the gloss of lacquer coating and to remove plaque oxidation from metal parts and minor scratches. Use professional products for polish.

WARRANTY: We provide 30 days full warranty & 60 days limited warranty against manufacturer defects & hidden defects of materials.

Buyer can send item back to us at the buyer’s expense – If the issue is a manufacturer defect a shipping credit will be issued. In some obvious reasons we can accept pictures of defect/damage without shipping damaged item back. Refund or replacement are available.

Dropped or broken items are not covered under this warranty

Any item received that has visible damage from being dropped or a dog / other animal bite or aggressive chemical traces will not be issued a refund

We are not a resellers but the makers, so you will get better service and first prices

⭐⭐Customer Reviews⭐⭐

  • “Perfect beautiful cane, should be in a museum delivered unbelievably quick. Thank you”

  • “Man o man! This is just lovely and comfortable too. Thank you so very much”

  • “This is stunning! The craftsmanship is unlike anything I've seen before. I no longer make clacking sounds when I walk its completely silent. I've already raved about this product on facebook and instagram. Completely impressed and very very happy with this cane. Its everything I wanted and more. ”


🚢Worldwide Shipping🛫

Please do note that shipping is insured and takes 7-20 business days worldwide. However, you may receive your items earlier. Tracking Numbers will ALWAYS be sent so you can track it every step of the way! Cool things are worth waiting for!

🔒 100% Risk-Free Purchase 🔥 

If you bought it and felt that it is not for you, don't worry. Just shoot us a message,and we will make it right by offering you a replacement or refund. 100% Simple & Risk-Free process.

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